
The Artist


MCT is a Denver, Colorado based artist whose work as an artist began in 2022 with an explosion of creativity driven by a visceral urge to create and communicate universal truths about the human spiritual condition through his art. His first piece is a 3D art book entitled Shadow Angels that is 10” tall and 15” wide. MCT’s primary medium is mixed media. A unique and defining element of many MCT paintings include color depth, which creates a three-dimensional effect on his paintings when wearing special glasses. His free handed, urban-esque, abstract style has invoked comparisons to Basquiat combined with the unbridled force of Punk Rock. Bold colors, rich textures, multi-layered surfaces and text with hidden and unhidden messages are benchmarks of many MCT pieces. MCT has not made any of his paintings available for sale to the general public. He is planning to have a selection of his art pieces available for sale at his first art show in September of 2023 in the Denver art district. 


Wearable Art

MCT is a color-depth artist with the vast majority of his work appearing to be 3D when viewed with these glasses. Brighter colors pull off any surface digital, apparel, the artwork and appear holographic above the darker colors. The glasses are a recommended addition to appreciating the vibrancy and depth of the artwork.

The Clothing

Shadow Angels

Shadow Angels Clothing is stylish, colorful wearable art designed to elevate consciousness. Based on the original artwork by MCT in his spiritual pantheistic art universe, Shadow Angels, each piece tells a story about our journey through darkness to find our inner light.

Make an impression and form a deeper connection! This conversation-starting fashion is designed to spark awareness about things that matter.

All are welcome! We offer sizes and designs for unisex, men, women, and youth/kids with lots of great workout apparel.
